Updated pricing for Behave Pro for Jira

16 April, 2021

Effective June 21st, 2021, Hindsight will be changing the pricing of Behave Pro for Jira.

Effective June 21st, 2021, Hindsight will be changing the pricing of Behave Pro for Jira.

If you have questions or concerns about the changes outline below, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. By starting a conversion there, we can provide you with specific information about the changes relevant to your license.

Server and Data Center

Some customers using server and data center deployment option may see a small increase. Note that we are limiting the changes to customers in tiers of 100 users and above; customers on lower tiers will not see their prices increase.

We understand that price adjustments are rarely welcome for customers. This decision was not taken lightly and was originally planned for version 2.0 of Behave Pro released one year ago as we released a significant step forward in functionality. We delayed this original increase due to the unfolding global pandemic, but after carefully weighing the impact of recent Atlassian decisions regarding their server products, it was clear these updates would allow us to continue providing the level of support we currently offer.

new prices


After Atlassian’s announcement regarding their server products we have had an increase in enquiries for server and data center customers of all sizes wanting to migrate to Jira Cloud. To assist with this migration and taking advantage of economies of scales, we will be lowering per user pricing for the 1000 and 5000 user tiers. This new pricing will be available to all Cloud customers over 1000 users.

new prices

Written by Alan Parkinson

More articles by Alan

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